
Finding Pets For Your Kids

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Finding Pets For Your Kids

About a year ago, I realized that my kids had never looked after pets. I wanted them to be able to really enjoy their life to the fullest, so I started looking for more opportunities for them to reach out to animals. It was amazing to see how much of a difference a pet or two made in their lives, and pretty soon, they seemed happier and more interested in the world around them. This blog is all about finding great pets for your kids and making sure that they stay healthy and happy. Check out this blog for more information.

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The Veterinarian Well-Visit: What Should You Ask The Expert?

You get regular check-ups. But what about your pet? Veterinarians don't just help Fido or Fluffy out when they get sick. They also provide valuable preventative medical services for animals of all age. Just because your pet is young or seems like they're in top shape doesn't mean they can skip well-visits. Making these appointments a priority can help to keep your pet safe and healthy. Knowing what questions to ask the vet can help you to make the most out of your furry best friend's well-visit. What should you discuss during your pet's check-up? Take a look at the must-know questions that you might want to ask the expert.

What Vaccinations Are Necessary?

Vaccinations protect your pet and help to reduce the risk for disease. Along with preventing possible illnesses, some immunizations are required by local laws. Chances are that you dog or cat must have their rabies vaccine, or you may face a fine.

There are two main categories when it comes to vaccines — core and non-core. Core vaccines protect animals against the most common diseases and are considered necessary. For dogs these include rabies, distemper, canine hepatitis and parvovirus. For cats these are feline distemper, rabies, feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus 1. Talk to you vet about each vaccine, and ask when your pet needs them.

If your pet comes into close contact with other animals (such as at doggie daycare), you may want to ask about also getting non-core vaccines such as Bordetella or Leptospira.

What Pet Food Is the Best?

Your dog dines on the priciest kibble you can find at the grocery store. But is this really the best food for them? As your pet ages and goes through different stages their nutritional needs change. Along with this, pets that are overweight, underweight or more/less active may have drastically different nutrition requirements. Then there are animals with sensitive systems. These pets may require special foods that they can easily digest.

If the pet food aisle kind of confuses you, talk to the vet about what your pet needs and which food is the best for them. Keep in mind, the food that is advertised as being "the best" may not work for your pet's individual needs.

Is There Anything to Look For?

You see your pet every day. The veterinarian doesn't. That means you're in charge of keeping a watchful eye out for possible problems. But as a non-vet, you may not know what to look for. Ask the veterinarian what signs and symptoms you should look out for on a daily basis.

Along with these questions it's likely that you have a few that are specific to your pet. Write down your concerns before the visit. It's easy to get side-tracked or forget a few questions during the actual appointment. Writing them down helps to make sure that you get the answers you're looking for.